United States Lion Mints Program
Thank you for choosing Lion Mints to advance your club’s fundraising and promotional efforts. For more than 20 years, Lion and Lioness Clubs in the United States and around the world have depended on the extraordinary profits generated by the sale of Lion Mints to purchase eyeglasses and hearing aids for the needy; send kids to camp; assist the disabled; help school programs and provide support to the community.

Is your Lions Club in Mint Condition?
The Lion Mints Program is a time-tested and proven fundraising project for Lions Clubs throughout the world. Lion Mints provide visibility for your Club throughout your community. The Lions emblem certifies that the Lion Mints Program is an official Lions Club fundraising activity. Our quality products project a positive image of your Lions Club year around.
Are you visible in your Community?
Lions Club fundraising activity
Our Goals To Help
Lion & Lioness Clubs Maximize Profits
Goals to Supply
To Supply The Best Quality Lions Candy Products
Our Goals to Provide
A Source for Multiple District & Lions Foundation Project & Administrative Funds